Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Poop Happens

There are times as a parent when you are truly astounded by the behavior of your children. Astounded in that I-know-you're-only-3- but-what-in-the-hell-were-you-thinking kind of way. I'm speaking of my sweet little Geronimo.
Today at nap time some part of him decided it would be a good idea to play with his poop. I do mean play when I say this. When I came in to get him after nap time I found, not my handsome blue-eyed little boy, but a mostly fecal covered wild child, happily painting his door with poop. Ill spare you the pictures. We immediately went into code brown. He was put in the upstairs shower because I didn't even want to walk him downstairs to our tub. It took a good 15 minutes of scrubbing to get the poop off. While he and Henry played in the shower I went into his room to assess the damage. I discovered that my beautiful poop covered 3-year-old had climbed from his bookshelf onto his dresser and had smeared his window with his own excrement. So anyone driving by at the time would see an obviously neglected toddler desperately smearing his poop on the window as a signal of distress. I await DCFS's knock on my door.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rachel I am so sorry! That is the worst!! I must say I am glad it wasn't me!! You are a good mother!
